Terms & Conditions of Sale

Article 1 - Area of application

The present standard terms and conditions of sale are applicable to all contracts for the online purchase/sale of tickets or memberships concluded via the website of the Domain of the Caves of Han.

Article 2 - Definitions

The seller is:
S.a. Grottes de Han
VAT no.: BE 0405 618 366
Rue Joseph Lamotte, 2
5580 Han-sur- Lesse – Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)84 37 72 13
Fax: +32 (0)84 37 77 12
Contact email: info@grotte-de-han.be

The buyer is any person who initiates the online ticket or membership purchase and payment process on the website of the Domain of the Caves of Han.

Article 3 - Offer

The information specifying the products or services that may be purchased on the website of the Domain of the Caves of Han constitutes an offer for sale. Unless expressly stated otherwise, the offer is valid for purchases made as shown on the website. However, the Domain of the Caves of Han cannot be held to an offer which, for reasons outside its control, contains errors.

Article 4 - Electronic forms of evidence

In the context of their relationship, the parties accept the electronic forms of evidence such as emails and records in the IT systems.

Article 5 - Payment

The buyer shall pay the price of his purchases by means of a payment instrument authorised by Europabank. The payment module is managed directly by the company of Europabank. No information relating to the payment is transmitted to the Domain of the Caves of Han. The Domain of the Caves of Han accepts no liability regarding the online payment process.

Article 6 - Conditions of use

The buyer undertakes to use the tickets or memberships bought online only in accordance with the conditions defined in the Offer. In particular, they may be used only for visits made during the periods of validity indicated in the Offer, during the Domain’s opening hours and days.

The staff of the Domain of the Caves of Han shall be authorised to ask for proof of identity or a senior citizen card from any person wishing to use a reduced-rate ticket and from any person holding a membership.

Article 7 - Refund policy

7.1 Once a ticket/tickets have been purchased by the customer, it/they may not be exchanged, resold or refunded.

7.2 In any event, a purchased ticket will give no entitlement to a refund, even in the event that the ticket has not been used by the customer during its period of validity.

Article 8 - Observance of intellectual property

The intellectual property rights of the website and of its elements belong to the Domain of the Caves of Han or to third parties. The contract of sale concluded between the Domain of the Caves of Han and the buyer gives the latter no right to copy, reproduce, download, post, transmit or distribute any of the elements of the website of the Domain of the Caves of Han.

Article 9 - Protection of privacy

The Domain undertakes to respect the legislation on respecting privacy and personal data protection.

Article 10 - Liability

Any visitor to the Domain is entering a natural site which may entail risks.He undertakes to observe the safety instructions given by the staff or by notices on the Domain. He undertakes to supervise the minors who accompany him. In particular, he shall take care to observe the following instructions (but not limited thereto):

  • Hold on to small children’s hands.
  • Do not feed the animals or attack them in any way.
  • Do not climb on the rocks or leave the marked paths.
  • Do not put your arms, legs or head out of vehicles in motion.
  • Do not seat toddlers or babies in the outermost positions in the vehicle.
  • Do not get off before the vehicle has come to a complete halt.

The Domain accepts no liability for any accident or damage suffered on the Domain as a result of negligent behaviour or the visitor’s lack of prudence.

Article 11 - Applicable law and court with jurisdiction

Any dispute regarding online contracts for the purchase/sale of tickets on the website of the Domain of the Caves of Han is governed by Belgian law. The courts and tribunals of the arrondissement of Dinant have sole jurisdiction.

In the event of a dispute, a printed version of the present standard terms and conditions of sale and of any ancillary reference submitted in electronic form shall be accepted in any judicial, out-of-court or administrative proceedings.

Article 12 – Cancellation policy of your night in a Tree Tent or your stay at the Cocoon Village

If you cancel your booking more than 30 days before the scheduled date of your first night, the Domain will offer you the possibility of postponing your stay to a later time during the current season (subject to availability, with payment of the price difference if the new stay chosen is more expensive). Otherwise the Domain will refund the payment in full. 

If you cancel for any reason whatsoever between 30 and 15 days before the scheduled date of the first night, the Domain will retain 50 % of any and all amounts paid. If you cancel between 15 and 8 days before the scheduled date, the Domain will retain 75 % of any and all payments made. Finally, if you cancel less than 8 days or in the event of a no-show, 100 % of the amount paid remains the property of the Domain and will not be refunded.

Our top tip: some banks will provide a travel cancellation insurance covering the cost of cancelling your trip if you pay for the stay with a Gold or Platinum credit card (in the event of a cancellation owing to a serious problem, please consult your bank for the cancellation policy).

Article 13 – Cancellation of your night in a Tree Tent or your stay at the Cocoon Village by the Domain of the Caves of Han

In the event of a severe weather alert issued by the RMI for strong winds, storm, flood... or in other cases of force majeure, management reserves the right to cancel the night in a Tree Tent or the stay at the Cocoon Village (even on the day of the buyer's arrival). In this unlikely event, the Domain will offer to postpone the night or the stay to a later date (within the next 12 months), free of charge. If postponing is not possible, all and any amounts paid will be refunded in full. Buyers are not entitled to any other form of compensation.

Article 14 - Cancellation of exclusive visits by the Domain of the Caves of Han

In the event of a severe weather alert issued by the RMI for strong winds, storm, flood... or in other cases of force majeure, management reserves the right to cancel exclusive visits (even on the day of the visit) for safety reasons. The Domain also reserves the right to cancel an exclusive visit if the minimum number of participants is not reached for the visit in question (see the relevant information on each exclusive visit page). In such cases, the Domain will offer to reschedule the exclusive visit to a later date (within the next 12 months), free of charge. If postponing is not possible, all and any amounts paid will be refunded in full. Buyers are not entitled to any other form of compensation.