Secrets of Wildlife: follow the adventures of 3 wild baby eagle-owls!
25 April 2022

Did you know that many wild species be they animal or vegetal, sometimes settle in the Domain of the Caves of Han for good?
One of the Domain's goals is to enable you to discover the secrets of the wildlife that is present all over the Domain but is not always visible to our visitors. This is why we created a brand-new instagram account called "Secrets of Wildlife".
Project Bubocam
An observation camera now nests on one of the Park's cliffs. We christened the camera "Bubocam" and it is turned towards the nest of a couple of wild Eurasian eagle-owls that have been nesting there for the past 7 years. This project is the first of it's kind in Europe pertaining to the species. And, the images are authentic as well as exceptional!
For the past few weeks, theadventures of this cute owl couple have been filmed non-stop, day and night. Enjoy watching the cycle of life of the Eurasian eagl-owl via our instagram account @cavesofhanwildlife: the male's courtship rituals, the mating, the laying of 3 eggs, the brooding of the eggs...
And don't you just love a story with a happy end? We certainly do, and we are absolutely delighted to announce that 3 eggs just hatched and that the hatchlings are in blooming health. Now we can enjoy watching a brand-new adventure: that of their first weeks under the watchful eye of their parents!