Our membership? A year filled with amazing experiences!
11 June 2024

The sun is finally shining! The Wildlife Park is showing off its stunning landscapes, carpeted with a thriving flora after a few days of abundant rainfall. And to boot: every nook and cranny of this haven of peace is animated by cute new-borns...
Want to enjoy these wonders of nature all year round? With our membership, enjoy a whole year of unlimited access to the Domain, as well as discounts on many of our exclusive visits as well as on tickets to the Domain's partner attractions. Come and visit us to your heart's content and let yourself be surprised over and over again. Guaranteed to create unforgettable memories as the seasons go by!
And what about discovering the Domain from a different angle?
Watch nature reveal its secrets, discover
our treasures with a musical backdrop or, enjoy a unique moonlight
experience... Take part in our exclusive visits: the perfect way to have some fun while learning a wealth of
information about the stunning nature that surrounds you!